Old San Juan Hotel

Old San Juan Hotel

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Letters and Paper Promises Raining From the Sky

sitting in an orchard of destruction
watching paper promises fall from the sky
letters symbolic of nuclear snowfall
dead red berries clung to the branches
silently weeping tears of blood
praying to whatever gods berries pray to
that they would suffocate in the blizzard
of letters falling from the sky

sitting all alone in an orchard of destruction
letters you wrote to me
words you spoke to me
I wrote them all down to keep your memory alive
that ghost that you became
it crowded into my head and exploded out my eyes
and blizzards ensuing
choking out my tears
letters falling from the sky

sitting in this orchard of destruction
once upon a time so alone but not anymore
about the stroke of midnight
the moon came out its rays calmed the storm
falling letters bound themselves into
tiny little novels chapterizing our time together
written words that we shared
slowly becoming epitaphs
monuments to the love we once shared
marred now only by the sight
of letters falling from the sky

sitting in this orchard of destruction
berry’s blood fell asphyxiated
drawing perfect red lines
on the letters that fall from the sky
creating a blueprint (redprint)
becoming a plan for the future
making my pain the destroyer
making my hope the architect
subtleties that intertwine the lines
create a work of art for my heart to follow
all because in that instant
letters fell from the sky

(c) 2013 p.hill

Friday, February 8, 2013

Once Upon A Time When I Was Haunted

There once was a time, not so long ago
When I was haunted by the spirit of a pretty little thing
She used to creep into my mind
When I wasn’t looking
She would steal visions from my eyes
Replacing them with the memories of days long gone;
Times long dead
But then once upon a time when I was haunted
This pretty little thing
She left me one day
I watched her walk out of the door,
Out of my life
In that instant I hated her the most
Because she had taken all those little memories
That I used to hold so dear

Once upon a time when I was haunted
I was filled with the rage and sadness
From innumerable terrible events
From the time that I can remember being able to remember
I attended the funerals for the things that I held most dear
Slowly letting the dirt of life slip through my fingers
Gently cascading down to soft little piles spilling over
The sides of those golden coffins

Once upon a time when I was haunted
I watched this pretty little thing
Keep me company in the darkest hours of my days
Keep my sanity to a level that was unreachable on my own
This little ghost of a thing kept me intravenously fed
Bleeding herself off, so that I could be nourished
And when she was bled completely dry
This little ghost that used to haunt me
She walked away, into the dark of the cold night

Once upon a time I was haunted
And while I hated that the torment was of my own creation
Sometimes I miss the fact that a little spirit would come visit me
Sometimes I miss the fact that there was a little spirit at all
Sometimes I miss being haunted…

(c) 2013 p.hill