Old San Juan Hotel

Old San Juan Hotel

Sunday, August 25, 2013

...nightmares in color...

Chemically balanced hallucinations
     brought to life by memories no longer buried,
     past visions of what were sins
     embedded in the psyche; married

As it were.  Bound in form and shape
     as ethereal portraits, tattered canvases
     strung end to end.  Macabre film tape
     overexposed to garish glass

Statuettes of disillusionment.  Memory spark
     gives light to dim horrors
     so soon forgotten but with a careless remark
     comes back with such savage roar.

Too curious about the dead and what cannot be,
     sitting alone at a impasse, precipice,
     the mirror of time shows a reflection not of me.
     A strange face stares back, identity amiss

To the relation of the soul.  Monsters and resurrection
     dominate all thought process and function.
     God.  Damn.  It.  If only I could shun
     what seems to demand and dominate attention;

More than its fair share of my time.
     If I could push them back down
     these unsightly demons of mine
     would they weigh so heavy, an unpleasant crown

Made of thorns, of brambles and things made to prick
     causing blood to draw from unsightly wounds
     heavy on my heart like a cinder brick
     sewn  mortar with flesh, a self contained tomb.

Heavy is the heart behind the eyelids of the damned
     wishes for sanity and longing for sleep
     inside this crazed mind they now become crammed
     nothing left to do now, but lie in the dark and weep.

© 2013 p.hill

Thursday, August 22, 2013

those times we danced…

do you remember the night we danced;
the time we twirled under the moonlight?
times you held me close so that your perfume
eased its way into my nostrils…
do you remember the time that we held each under meteor showers
how the sky rained down around us as if the world were ending?
I remember that was the night we danced

do you remember the morning we woke up in each others’ arms?
how we dared not look away from each other
afraid that the image would be a dream and that we might wake
next to someone else or worse next to no one at all?
do you remember how we danced around the bed
our fingers gently touching each other in a special way
with a special purpose and intent
we fed our hunger with lust from our hearts
that morning we danced

do you remember the night we lost our way?
how we spent an endless cold night in a strange and foreign place?
that special and scary time was trying and it was true
we survived those harsh realities and persevered
do you remember how we held our hands close to one another?
afraid that if we let go, we’d be lost?
I remember it all…
that cold night we danced

through all of these years and these miles
that we have traveled together
with all the ups and the downs;
joys and the horrors that we’ve lived through
my favorite memories are of
those days and nights we danced together
with all the world watching; all eyes on you
we danced until our feet hurt; our eyes red with tears brimmed over
tears of happiness; tears of relief…  we made it…

© 2013 p.hill