"I want to live with a cinnamon girl
I could be happy the rest of my life with her
A dreamer of pictures I run in the night
You see us together chase the moonlight..."
It's amazing what a little Type O Negative can do for my thought processes and editing purposes... I'm just thinking that if I could do so many writing projects over again, I would gather up every one of my Type O Neg albums and set 'em back to back and use them as my soundtrack for writing... Whether it's science or not, the voice of Peter Steele really makes me wanna just rage against my computer, rage against the whole revolutionary thought process and let flow the words from my fingers as they strike the keys with such a ferocity that I can't help but be impressed that my poor little Dell didn't send a SHIFT key of an ENTER key a flying through the air...
I've tried to use various forms of other music to work to and it just seems that no matter what I use, I always come back to my Type O Neg... I've got a beautiful record player in the living room and it has more often than not put forth the sound of Dave Brubeck and Miles Davis and just to be silly a bit of The Clash... Yet the nostalgia doesn't get my juices flowing as the sounds of the song BLOODY KISSES does and how I want to weep and strike my keyboard as if it were a medieval organ gnashing as the saddened undertones of the woman's weeping in the background seems to put forth the curtain that my writing lies behind.
As I sit and become stressed at the amount of school work that I am faced with and the amount of paperwork that never ceases to fall before me, both in the academic world, but also the business world and the personal world, I know that I can count on my Type O Negative to really allow me to reopen those old scars and fall back into the dark pit of writing. I think that we always try to deny dark urges of writing but once in a while, ya just have to lest that bastard out and see what hell he's gonna raise on your paper in front you...
Professional or not, sobriety or not, there is something to be said for a piss warm "beer" in your hand and a keyboard that won't relent to your insistent bashing and the keys that would cry MERCY if they had a voice other than what I gave them... The music sets my mind free and at this stage, it feels good to let it all of your chest and let it fly, if only to wake tomorrow and regret the words that have been put to paper.
The ink that was the blood of my thoughts serves to remind me that the process is never complete........................